Union is a beautiful
word which entails harmony with it, but this is true of a WHOLE only. And, when
there is more than one union within a whole the situation becomes aggravating
and prone to conflicts. This is also of true modern business-organizations.
Fairly, a sense of belonging and recognition of mutually inter-dependent
interests is needed to make the unions worthwhile and successful. And, that
demands inclusion of the authority figures to see, understand, and, feel the
hardships an average laborer undergoes during his tenure. It is the limited
conscious on the part the authorities deciding the trade-off issues is what
make them insensitive and this factor is determined by forces out-side the
organization. This insensitivity calls for tools to explore the cases of
betterment within the resources willingly and, if not, can be developed through
practice. For example, the authorities deciding the compensations should do a
sample-survey in person to bridge the gap between the actual and the desired.
This will help crop-up sensitivity which when absent is responsible of
ir-rational demands, from all sides. It may lack the on other side as-well
which demands the tools to make less-privileged understand the comparative
performance of the business, compassionately, to contrast it with their demands.
This is not easy to achieve and cultivating mutual-trust will take time and
effort in the right direction. Both sides will have to win the trust needed
from each-other to work in conjunction.
But, again, the
well-being of just only one organization can not store all the confidence
needed for a scale the writer is talking about. Actually, the
subsistence-earning works in a similar way as the well-known concept of
liquidity-trap in the sense that it is also a kind of trap which requires the
same level of effort if not more to tread on a path of growth and prosperity.
What is required is a similar institution for labor working on the same line as
the Reserve Bank of India, if i’am not absurd, i think am not. And, in the time
to come it will playa significant role in deciding the health of the Indian
Economy by controlling the consumption of a billion people economy, by deciding
the incomes of all under one hand.
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