Sunday, January 20, 2013

Our Mistakes...


Price-rise Weakness in Government Record Concrete Steps will be taken in Next Financial Year


You know Mr. Prime Minister your government has pushed growth so hard that unemployment rate fell below its natural rate after which inflation started ticking up and is almost persistent. And the many rounds of price hike of petroleum products has worsen the inflation scenario. We as a economist should not entertain policies that push unemployment rate below its natural rate (5%, frictional unemployment)...

RBI Governor Subbarao may not Oblige with a Rate Cut of 50 Basis Points- Economists


RBI is doing what needs to be done but the government with an economist as head does not know about the limits of growth. Growth can not be pushed above a certain rate if unemployment rate falls below its natural rate at 5%. Also called the NAIRU i.e., non accelerating inflation rate of unemployment. above which inflation is nearly dead and below which inflation starts rising. Its time for the government to increase income-tax to control aggregate demand. But i think the government will try to present a populist budget because elections are next year...

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"Everybody is worried about rate cuts and nobody for lower interest rates on savings, when all save and few borrow..."

Growth is sacrificed when the value of the money is sacrificed because spending goes down due to inflation, and people buy less due to high ...