Friday, December 26, 2014

... oil-prices,apart, the US...

Recently, the US economy climbed to a decade high rate of growth of 5% which has reinforced the expectation that the recovery, that began 5 years ago, has now reached a level where we can steer the economy at a high-speed in order to achieve the goals the policy-makers have set for themselves and have borrowed heavily from the future, actually the debt will be paid by the next-generation... Nevertheless, debt (i think) should not be rolled-over to the Gen-X because that will be a burden on their resources... Atleast, this looks rational... Why somebody would pay for your excesses? At first glance it does not look wise... Any ways, all – savings, investment & interest-rates – have a high effect on the growth-rate... Low interest-rate has a good-effect on growth-rate, unless we are in liquidity-trap... A commitment to keep interest-rate low for a long-time should be good for investment and growth-rate, unless.... The Fed decision to increase key rates somewhere in the middle of 2015 should be based on the investment figures (rate of change)... what a central-bank normally does... It takes gauge of inflation and the rate of investment to decide for a rate-hike... And, sometimes when investment (read also employment) is low the bank may decide to tolerate high inflation... This is what the Fed intended to do since Recession-2008... But... (there is a big-one)...  why the Fed is not taking in to account the rate of change in savings and investment, and try to equate them with the US’ potential growth-rate, the rate of change in population, near 10% (decadal)... To achieve this potential growth-rate the US-economy must grow 10% every-year... Therefore, savings and investment must also grow 10% every-year... This is too early to even think of a rate-hike... The economy is just growing half of its long-run potential...

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