Wednesday, April 24, 2013

INDIA is Supply-Constrained...


India has Potential to Grow at 8 C Rangarajan


The problem is that we are considering WPI as a gauge of inflation but other countries like the US and the European countries use CPI as better indicator of inflation which if we consider is above 10%, in INDIA's case. An inflation rate of 10% is enough for a policy response. But since INDIA is supply constrained we have accepted it as normal. As far as growth rate is concerned which dipped to 5% in the last fiscal the RBI need to reduce repo-rate by atleast 150 basis points to push back the economy to 8%, according to the Taylor-Rule. Of the 150 basis point the RBI has reduced repo-rate by 100 basis points sofar which can catapult the economy to around 7% growth rate. Dr. Rangarajan forecast is right but to achieve 8% growth rate the RBI needs to reduce repo-rate by another 50 basis points and to achieve 9% it has to reduce repo-rate by another 50 basis points. But this can not be done due to, again, supply side constraints. Just to note, the RBI reduced the repo-rate by 300 basis points from around 8% to 5% to avert recession in 2008 which pushed the inflation rate from 10% to 20% and growth rate from 6% to 10%. For INDIA growth is not a problem but the supply side bottlenecks are. I disagree that growth in INDIA will not evoke inflation because sofar it has...

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"Everybody is worried about rate cuts and nobody for lower interest rates on savings, when all save and few borrow..."

Growth is sacrificed when the value of the money is sacrificed because spending goes down due to inflation, and people buy less due to high ...