Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Gold Demand And Prices Will Go-Down...

Poke-Me Government is responsible for India's Craze for Gold

My Comment;

Gold does not depreciate like iron, it rusts, which makes gold a top choice for backing steel coins and paper currency, it is an ultimate investment which even during recession pays well. Every government has some gold for bad times; even IMF accepts gold as security for a loan. People feel secure near gold and nominal prices can not go below zero because its demand as an investment may decrease but gold and gold-rings are very popular during marriages. Therefore there is no doubt that gold is not completely useless. But as an investment they are not safe when the banking has made paper-gold and other better paying instruments. Therefore, its physical quantity in not a restriction, now, because nobody wants their gold now so that we can manage the demand. What will happen when every body wants to redeem the same day because they are expecting a 20% decrease in prices and they need the money now because government has banned trade in gold except jewellery for an unlimited period of time. I think which is the case now and demand for gold and its prices will become less volatile and become constant, which could be the best assumption. The price of gold can not go above but can go down because its demand as an investment has become zero. We have reduced its usage, its use. Its demand will go down; its price will go down too (expectation)….

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