Sunday, March 25, 2018


The outflow of dollar from the outer economies would increase local money supply and inflation and depreciation and expectations... The dollar would become stronger also b'coz of tighter borrowing cost in the US... In developing countries price would increase and the nominal exchange rate too due to inflation and in the US they would fall due to higher borrowing cost... making the US competitive in real terms and the developing countries in nominal terms... Economist use both techniques to increase competitiveness reduce real wages by inflation, and increase value of money in the inflation adjusted terms, lower inflation would increase savings and demand... The former is called external devaluation or depreciation and the latter, the internal devaluation... depreciation means cheaper products in the relative terms... In the internal devaluation domestic prices fall due to lower borrowing cost relative to the nominal money or exchange to increase demand for labour and productivity upto full employment and in external devaluation nominal money increases relative to prices due to higher money supply and inflation and expectations... But, in external devaluation or depreciation domestic savings and demand go down, but demand for exports increase due to higher nominal exchange rate... But, both would depend on the excess capacity or excess labour supply because if demand would increase and supply not it increases prices and price expectations and lose market share.... At full employment the central bank might commit to leave the interest rate unchanged which could help stabilize the demand and supply and growth and expectations, if the economy is close to the inflation target and the exchange rate, too.... which would also help stabilize real wages and interest rate and expectations leading to a stable domestic demand and external demand and growth and expectations...

Higher interest rate and rate expectations when the economy is highly leveraged makes the situation more risky... in this condition a stable interest rate and rate expectations might contain the risk of default and recession or slowdown...

The Fed itself is creating trade cycles, but if it chooses only the forward way to increase demand then prices then supply and lower prices and again increase demand and the growth.... it may target lower borrowing cost and lower prices which could increase demand investment employment supply and would contain price and the growth for further demand... and growth....

If Corporate tax cuts are just passed on to lower prices of the Corporations products instead of increase in wages it would help increase demand... This had increased real wages by lowering the general price level... it would also lower interest rate and expectations... it would increase domestic depreciation, the real exchange rate would go up... and increase exports... all due to lower price level... in this situation there is an oppourtunity to increase the market share and profits... .

For farmers costs, including the living cost and wage cost have increased, but profit margins have been low due to government intervention and chain of the middle man who have a better capacity to hold... Storage and brokerage have further increased agri-costs... Credit, too... Marginal farmers might be provided basic income... Irrigation is absent and again costly...The middle man chain has also increased the cost to the market... Higher prices for farm products would not increase inflation much if volatility is curbed through proper supply side management, through imports and price stabilization fund, too... It would generate demand in the rural economy for the industries.... It is important to connect farmers directly to the food and food processing industry or market...

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Expectations can be self-fulfilling because when someone believes a certain outcome will happen.....

    Expectations can be self-fulfilling because when someone believes a certain outcome will happen, they often unconsciously behave in ways...