Wednesday, February 22, 2017


In the Western countries although productivity has increased, but real wages have been held constant, including China later... Policy makers have tried to cut real interest rate and real wages with inflation to help the Capitalist and supply, but, that has lowered demand of the Proletariat... China's depreciation and inflation, which it denies, to infuse exports has resulted in lower domestic demand and also lowered demand for imports that has also lowered demand in the trading partner’s economy... If China says that it's expansion has not stoked inflation in the economy, it is wrong because without more money-supply and inflation nominal exchange rate cannot depreciate... When you buy foreign exchange or dollar you release yuan-rmb which is likely to increase inflation and inflation expectations, therefore to increase nominal exchange rate inflation is important, when you increase demand for dollars it also increases it's price you release more money therefore more inflation and inflation expectation and also to cut real wages to increase competitiveness... Inflation though increases nominal variables but only after inflation which actually cuts real-GDP, real interest rate, real wages and real exchange rate... which actually reduces demand... domestic and exports... China is a blind follower of the West and market...

In our study we have formulated a regression equation with real-effective-exchange rate, exports-demand, money-supply, interest-rate-spread, private-debt, public-debt, external-debt and GPC-PCI, of the country as independent variables or regressors and economic-growth as dependent or regressand.

The equation obtained is as follow:
                                                 Eg = 22.605 – 0.122 REER

                                                 Sig =. (0.000) (0.000)                                               (1)
                                                                                             F= 33.396     R2= 0.788

Our study shows that the index of real-effective-exchange-rate in China has depreciated against the basket of the Special-Drawing-Rights currencies. From 2005 to 2015, the index has increased from 84.25 to 132, when 2010(=100). Moreover, the regression between the economic-growth as a dependent-variable and the real-effective-exchange-rate as independent-variable or predictor has given a significance or P-value or Predictor-value of (= 0.000), however, the relationship between Eg and REER is negative, and F (= 33.396), i.e. the significance of the equation {Eg = f (REER)}, which means that the depreciation in the real-effective-exchange-rate has contributed negatively to decrease in domestic-consumption and the economic-growth-rate. Probably, lower real wages have lowered the economic-growth by reducing domestic-consumption and lower imports might also reduce wages in the trading partners’ economy and thereby also exports of the Chinese economy to an extent. The R2 is equal to 0.788. Moreover, the analysis shows that REER has a tolerance or multi-collinearity with exports-demand, money-supply, interest-rate-spread, private-debt, public-debt, external-debt and GPC-PCI, of the country.

The Fed in the US might wait for rate hikes till real-wages show firm upside due to tight labour-market and stable inflation and inflation-expectations, when lower oil-prices due to upsurge in Shale oil exploration and employment, would definitely help, since there is already a gap in productivity and real-wages and demand... The share of the working-class in the income distribution must increase to attain equality and higher demand to offset lower labour-force-participation rate and growth...  Although, the skills and productivity have increased, there is a big gap in real wages since 1970s... Higher real wages are good for domestic demand and would also help exports; lower prices would increase demand... Shale is a major innovation in the US economy that would help lower oil prices which have coincided with prior recessions... It would increase the economy’s competitiveness and the economic-growth... Lower cost and prices increase demand...

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