Tuesday, December 12, 2017

It is now a Political Business Economy...

Democracy is about listening to others and ascetics to your self... Internet would help... with stomach full... maintain balance in mind and in the material world... and enquire about the TRUTH... all lead to the same... happiness... It is true for all the politicians... but everybody is a unique politician, too... Modi’s style of functioning is followed by the best...The problem of duality is hard to overcome, it is the difference of perspectives context background and the cause and effect identification, we are often faced with the problem of chicken and egg... Economics and statistics cannot include time, especially the future time or chain of events because it cannot identify why something happens, you may also be victim of politics yourself which is the cause of confusion... politics is based on opposition which is also not time consistent... regimes might change fast under uncertainity... there is a difference between an astrologer and politician........Everybody is naked in the bathtub... Politicians try to ditch even people who try to help them... They spit on the face of the common people who vote for them just for money and the super power of the demons... What happened to the second best in the ruling party... Today inexperience and taken over the experienced when there has been an underlying style of functioning... We have lost confidence of our elders... and respect for them... Modi will soon start working like Manmohan Singh... more and more spending... people watch it... in the name of productivity and in the name of achche (aur mehehge) din expectations... inflation might increase again... Government is maximising the economies of scale.................................... Gujarat police did not let congress rally happen in Ahemedabad................................... and let Punjab fire spread... very interesting....  20 years of Gujarat were ascetics...

Growth has improved as a result of higher economic activity and prices and wages expectations, lower borrowing cost had helped tackle higher cost and price expectations and increase spending... Nonetheless, Government has helped better supply and could do more and also by incentivizing imports and curbing exports especially the food items... Lower borrowing cost would make import cost and prices go down...Lack of data, information asymmetry, false expectations, decisions, .... and above all security... are some of the biggest risks... The inflation expectations increase interest rate expectations which would further fuel inflation and interest rate and expectations... inflation might increase several rounds... The RBI governor is like others too... not hopeful for the economy... it does not believe in good... but half data... god help...  NPAs are a sign that regulation has not paid-off which is the apex bank duty... Loans with out analysing the growth expectations of firms, merely based on past figure has back fired... inflation expectations resulted in lower spending and higher savings, both, but not exactly translated in lower rates... which created bottlenecks in the economy... it directly struck the supply side through lower borrowing cost which negatively affected debt growth, consumption and investment... RBI like the stocks could use algorithmic to determine rates...

Use of Bitcoin to work as a medium of exchange across the Globe would decide its demand... Money from it could be used to increase supply and business... Too much volatility must be controlled to avoid too much loss... Price should move within in band in a time frame...Prices would increase with demand till all the supply is consumed and the market clears and there are no more bit-coins to offer... More investment at dips would increase returns... Investors would be at mental loss if they buy high and the BTcoin falls too much because not everybody would be able to invest more and have patience...

China is a market economy now, and not a communist regime... Everybody should exploit fake Chinese ideals and ambitions... in the same way China does...  are good at business now... we should learn from them... Chineseare reaping the economies of scale... INDIA could benefit from Chinese moves and do the same... Everybody should restrict Chinese capital... especially the dollars... in their economies... china has not liberalised its capital market yet then why we allow Chinese investment and share profit in growth...

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Expectations can be self-fulfilling because when someone believes a certain outcome will happen.....

    Expectations can be self-fulfilling because when someone believes a certain outcome will happen, they often unconsciously behave in ways...